02 March 2009


At CMCC, we want to put Jesus first, help other people, and live out Titus 2:1 everyday. Today, so many churches teach pop-cultural psychology; Dr. Phil's 5 minute analogy and questions meets Harpo's heart felt discussions. The church leaders need a kick in the pants and get back to the basics. This is why, at CMCC, we are spending '09 learning about the foundations of the Christian faith. With the "No Perfect People Allowed/ Come as you are" culture, we have created a safe place for you to explore faith.
So, bring a friend and join us on Sunday's or Wednesdays to see how Scritpure relates to your life in a real, messy, and raw way to bring about authentic transformation.

The Revv

No Perfect People Allowed: Tell everyone you know!
We are a missional church; people helping other people.
Check out our website: Click on the logo!

Join us on the journey!